In order to save you time and prepare you in advance for your medical exam, we ask that you provide our office your IME Case Number if available at the time of booking an appointment.

What to bring to the appointment:

  1. Original Passport/Government-Issued Photo I.D.
  2. Any official papers that you received from IRCC including (IFH) Refugee Protection Claimant Document
  3. All your current medications or prescription lists
  4. Any recent relevant medical reports if you were hospitalized, had a surgery or had a consultation with Psychiatrist.
  5. Treatment Letters: if you have been treated for TB, Syphilis, HIV (cd4 COUNT report), Hepatitis B or C.
  6. Heart Condition: Cardiologist`s Repoort.
  7. Prescription eyeglasses for the eye examination
  8. An Interpreter is a must if English is not your first language
  9. Applicants of Age 15 and under must be accompanied by their parents/legal guardian
  10. You do not need to prepare of this exam or fast. Have your regular breakfast/meal before attending the office.

Your Photo will be taken here at our office and it is included in the fees along with the Blood and Urine test.

We request that you give us a minimum 24-48 hour notice to cancel your appointment

After your exam is completed, our office will provide you the E-medical document with your photo and the case number for submission to the IRCC and for tracking purposes.

All medical results will be submitted electronically within 5-7 business days after completion of all required tests and examinations.